Boost all the chances of blooks by 1.5x to 2x more for EVERYONE!
This booster lasts for 1 hour.
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Access To Banners
Access To Early Features
Exclusive Username Colors
Exclusive Chat Colors
Exclusive Plus Badge
More Bazaar Listings
Access To Creating Clans
Upload Files in Chat
Use Chat Embeds
Use Blook Emojis
Discord Plus Role
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Boost all the chances of blooks by 2x more for EVERYONE!
This booster lasts for 3 hours.
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Boost all the chances of blooks by 2x more for EVERYONE!
This booster lasts for 24 hours.
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You have spent $moneySpent on name
Spend $moneySpent more to unlock the Big Spender badge!
Perks of Plus
Set a banner on your account to have extra flair and stand out!
Early Features
Gain access to features before they are released to the public!
Username Colors
Get access to exclusive username colors that are only available to Plus members!
Chat Colors
Send chat messages in color by typing <color>message</color> to stand out!
Plus Badge
Get a special badge on your account to show off your support!
Bazaar Listings
Increases the cap of the amount of items you can list from 25 to 100!
Create Clans
Create clans and invite your friends to join you in the clan!
Blook Emojis
Send blook emojis in chat by typing [Blook Name] to stand out!
Chat Embeds
Send a link to an image, video, or audio clip and it will be embedded in chat!
Upload Files
You can send files in chat! (Max file size is 8MB)
Discord Role
Get a special Plus role on our Discord server and instantly gain Chroma role permissions!
All purchases are done under our Terms of Service.