name EULA

Last Updated 21st of May 2024


This EULA is a legal agreement between you and us (Blacket). You should read the whole thing but here is a quick summary of some important points to help guide you - the full terms and conditions still apply though.
- This Blacket EULA, apply to all Blacket services.
- You may develop tools, plug-ins and services as long as they do not seem official or approved by us, such as using our logos.
- Do not distribute or make commercial use of anything we've made without our permission.
- When making payments, chargebacks will result in us removing your access to the Service and fighting the claim.

This EULA applies to all Blacket websites, software, experiences, and services (”Services”).
If you use any of our Services, that means you agree to this Blacket EULA, so please read through them carefully. We also reserve the right to withdraw any permissions given at any time without notice, as well as reserving the right to remove access to the Service.
In addition to this policy, please also make sure to visit and understand our Privacy Policy, and our TOS.

CUSTOMER SUPPORT EMAIL: [email protected]


If you're using our service, you may play around with it and modify it by adding modifications, tools, or plugins which we will refer to collectively as “Mods”. By “Mods”, we mean something original that you or someone else created that doesn't contain a substantial part of our content. When you combine your Mod with Blacket, we will call that combination a “Modded Version” of the game. We have the final say on what constitutes a Mod and what doesn't.
Any Mods you create for Blacket from scratch belong to you and you can do whatever you want with them, as long as you don't distribute Modded Versions of the game. Remember a Mod means something that is your original work and that does not contain a substantial part of our code or content. You only own what you created; you do not own our code or content.
When we update our game, some changes might not work well with other software, such as Mods. This is unfortunate, but it is something we don't take responsibility for.

We have some strict guidelines on what Mods are allowed, you are only allowed to create mods that do not have an impact on the experience of other Users, by a negative impact on the experience of other Users we mean any Mod that automates a task that would provide an advantage against another User such as automating bazaar transactions, or unofficial “chat bots” and/or “self bots” which negatively impact the experience of other User's experiences within our chat. We have the final say on what constitutes a negative impact on other Users experiences and what doesn't within a Mod.
It's important to us that 3rd party tools/services don't seem “official” as we can't guarantee their quality. We also reserve the right to takedown Mods or other software that violates our TOS or EULA.


To request a refund on a purchase from Blacket please contact our support email. From there we'll walk you through submitting a refund request and us approving it, do not ever chargeback a purchase from Blacket. If you do chargeback a purchase from us we reserve the right to terminate your access to the service as well as appealing the chargeback.
The only cases where refunds apply are on Blacket Plus, and you have to have submitted the request within two days since purchase otherwise your refund request will not be processed.


Your local law may give you rights that this EULA cannot change; if so, this EULA applies as far as the law allows.
We may change this EULA from time to time, if we have reason to, such as changes to our games, our practices, or our legal obligation. But those changes will be effective only to the extent that they can legally apply. In that case we'll inform you of the change before it takes effect, either by posting a notice on our website or by other reasonable means. We're not going to be unfair about this though - but sometimes the law changes or someone does something that affects other users of the game and we therefore need to put a lid on it.